Courses in English and German

We offer the following courses* in English and German:


* Offerings may be different - some courses may not be offered in some years.


SP0030 Education of Individuals with Behavioral Disorder

SP0044 Education of Individuals with ASD (autism)

SP0091 Education for All – Experiences from Practice

SP2993 Specific Learning Disabilities – Advanced course

SPTHID The Health Protection and Promotion in Individuals with Disorders of Intellectual Development

SP0001 Inclusive Education and Diversity

SP0003 Specific Learning Disability

SP0010 Speech and Language Disability

SP0040 Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

SP0070 Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment

SP0966 Art as a tool for communication in the inclusive culture

SP0999 Special Education in International Perspectives

SP0097 Bildung und Förderung von Menschen mit Behinderung 2


SP0001 Inclusive Education and Diversity

SP0003 Specific Learning Disability

SP0010 Speech and Language Disability

SP0020 Education of Individuals with Visual Disabilities

SP0040 Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

SP0070 Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment

SP0080 Education of Individuals with Physical Disabilities and Chronic Disease

SP0092 Education for All – Experiences from Practice 2

SP0966 Art as a tool for communication in the inclusive culture

SP0999 Special Education in International Perspectives

SZ6648 Inclusive Education

SZ6654 Inclusive Education

SP0096 Bildung und Förderung von Menschen mit Behinderung 1

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